Canelés Baillardran


I must say that yesterday’s blizzard gave me a little push. When the first days of spring finally arrived, the cold and snow had to take over. So much so that yesterday I decided to do nothing, absolutely nothing. So I spent my day in my pyjamas watching movies. Fortunately, my usual energy took over, and today I was fully motivated. Then I decided it was time to inaugurate the copper cannellini moulds that my brothers gave me for Christmas.

The canelé, a small cake typical of Bordeaux, is fascinating with its pronounced flavours of vanilla and rum. You will find plenty of recipes, of course, but I decided to use the proposal on the website of the famous Baillardran canelés. My brother, having settled in Bordeaux, I had the opportunity to taste it at their home. And it is good, perfect indeed. So I followed their recipe very wisely, with a mini adjustment in the number of eggs.

Now comes the question of the mould. Before I received the copper moulds, like everyone else, I had the famous silicone moulds, which were affordable and super practical. So I decided to do a test and compare the 2. I have to admit that the copper moulds make a difference. Take a look at the picture. The difference is noticeable (the cannelloni comes from the same preparation and was baked at the same time, the only difference being the moulds). Those baked in the copper moulds are set much better and have a divinely caramelized crust. So if you get the chance, invest in copper moulds, you won’t regret it.

I must say that yesterday’s blizzard gave me a little push. When the first days of spring finally arrived, the cold and snow had to take over. So much so that yesterday I decided to do nothing, absolutely nothing. So I spent my day in my pyjamas watching movies. Fortunately, my usual energy took over, and today I was fully motivated. Then I decided it was time to inaugurate the copper cannellini moulds that my brothers gave me for Christmas.

The canelé, a small cake typical of Bordeaux, is fascinating with its pronounced flavours of vanilla and rum. You will find plenty of recipes, of course, but I decided to use the proposal on the website of the famous Baillardran canelés. My brother, having settled in Bordeaux, I had the opportunity to taste it at their home. And it is good, perfect indeed. So I followed their recipe very wisely, with a mini adjustment in the number of eggs.

Now comes the question of the mould. Before I received the copper moulds, like everyone else, I had the famous silicone moulds, which were affordable and super practical. So I decided to do a test and compare the 2. I have to admit that the copper moulds make a difference. Take a look at the picture. The difference is noticeable (the cannelloni comes from the same preparation and was baked at the same time, the only difference being the moulds). Those baked in the copper moulds are set much better and have a divinely caramelized crust. So if you get the chance, invest in copper moulds, you won’t regret it.


Canelés Baillardran

Course: Classicos, Lanche
Keyword: classic, snacks
Portions 24 canelés (pasteries)
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Temps de repos: 12 hours
Cooking time: 1 hour
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  • 500 ml of whole milk
  • 2 strips vanilla
  • 250 g of sugar
  • 130 g flour
  • 3 egg yolk
  • 1 whole egg
  • 50 g butter melted
  • 50 ml rum
  • oil or butter for greasing the moulds


The day before

  • Cut the vanilla beans in 2 and rub the inside with the tip of a knife to recover the seeds.
  • In a saucepan, bring the milk to a boil. Add the vanilla seeds and let them infuse for 5 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, mix the sugar and flour in a bowl. Add the eggs and mix well.
  • Then pour in the milk and mix until you get a homogeneous paste.
  • Add the butter and rum. Cover and let it rest in the refrigerator overnight.

On the same day

  • Preheat the oven to 220°C (430°F).
  • Grease the cannelé moulds.
  • Take the mixture out of the refrigerator and mix well so that it becomes homogeneous. Pour into the moulds until about 1 cm from the edge (the cannellés will puff a little during cooking).
  • Place in the oven. Bake for 15 minutes, then lower oven to 160°C (320°F). Continue baking for 45 minutes)

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